
Our individual and caring approach delivers the best outcomes for each child. Current research (A Systematic Review of Interventions to Improve Handwriting: Hoy, Egan, Feder: Canadian Journal of OccupationalTherapy February 2011) is indicating that for ‘handwriting therapy to be effective intervention you must allow for handwriting practice at a minimum twice per week for a total of at least 20 minutes’.
Therefore, your child’s therapy program will include home program activities each week.
Therapy session using a sensory integrative approach requires a ‘skilled therapist and a large room with a lot of simple yet specialised equipment. When a therapist is doing her job effectively and the child is organising their nervous system, it looks as if the child is merely playing. This is one of life’s paradoxes’
From Sensory Integration and the Child, Ayres, 25th Anniversary Edition, 2005

Hopalong is also committed to the on-going improvement of your child. We recommend regular reviews after the program is completed to ensure the best long term outcome is achieved.
Hopalong therapists also offer best practice and the convenience of joint therapy sessions with our speech therapists from CommuniKIDS. Back to back sessions are also available for the convenience of parents.