Group Programs

Our Group Programs are back!

Groups will be offered at Peakhurst and Newington however will run depending on demand.

Please bring a snack, drink and hat for your child each day.


Emotional and Social Regulation Skills Program

Our emotional and social regulation skills program develops students awareness of their emotions, others emotions and sensory strategies to regulate themselves. They will develop their social awareness and interaction skills through a combination of evidence based programs and play based learning. 

 For students in Year 1 and above

Sept/October School Holidays 

Monday 7th Oct- Friday 11th Oct

11:30am- 1:30pm

at Peakhurst

at Newington by expression of interest only


PALS Social Skills Program

Ages 4- 6 year olds

Greeting others, Sharing, Empathy,  Managing frustration, Asking for help, Taking turns: talking and listening, Taking turns: play, Overcoming fear and anxiety 

Sept/October School Holidays 

at Peakhurst

11:30am- 1:00pm 

Handwriting Program - Kindy and above

The focus being to develop studuents ability to write pain free, legible, easy to read handwriting. Topics practised include:

Posture, Fine motor skills, Pencil Grip, Letter Formations, Spacing, Writing on the line, Handwritng Speed


Sept/October School Holidays

Monday 30th Sept -Friday 4th Oct


at Peakhurst

at Newington by expression of interest only 



A recently developed program by an OT and Teacher for students in Year 3, 5 and 7. 



Offered in Term 1 after school 


Transition to High School

An OT and High school teacher program for students starting Year 7. Skills include how to read a high school timetable, getting organised for homework and assignments, using a locker and study skills

 Offered in January only




School Readiness

Skills based group for developing motor and social skills for Kindergarten. 

Offered in January only



Bounce Back 4 Kids

A physiotherapist and occupational therapist developed and run small group program to build the motor skills or primary school children.

Taking expressions of interest

Group limited to a max of 6 students.

60 minutes for 10 weeks

(week 1 and 10 are pre and post assessments)

Therapy equipment packs are available for purchase for home practise. 

Group Booking Form

Complete an expression of interest form to secure your child’s place. 

Groups are appropriate for children about to or who are already attending mainstream class.

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